FAQ Blog #2

God - What do I do???

So many readers have asked, “What does God want me to do?” Though situations vary the dilemma is the same: If only I knew what God wanted me to do, I would do it!

Many of us say that, but before we plead, “God what do You want me to do???” we need to search our hearts. Are we really one hundred percent committed to doing whatever God tells us is best?

When our daughter wanted to travel to Mozambique to work at Heidi and Rolland Baker’s Iris Ministries it was easy to say yes. She would be well chaperoned and traveling with a team. No problem.

That is until her first flight was cancelled and she missed connecting with her group. Suddenly I was faced with saying yes knowing that she would be traveling all by herself for three days (and 2 nights!) with the possibility of being stranded on any one of the four legs of the flight itinerary. Alone. By herself. That was not what I said yes to originally. Not at all!

As my daughter stood in line to obtain re-bookings I got alone with God. Could I really trust Him with my daughter’s safety? I forced myself to block out all the possible things that could go awry after she left U.S. soil. With only minutes to decide I finally cried, “Lord, I say yes to whatever you want for her, but I CAN’T do this! I just CAN’T do this!”

God heard my yes but somehow the noise of the airport terminal must have drowned out my complaint about not being able to do this. Very clearly and quietly I heard, “Let her go.” Again and again God spoke to me in a gentle, loving tone. It wasn't what my protective mom's heart wanted to hear but I knew it was God speaking to me. I retraced my steps and rejoined my daughter at the ticket counter. I’ll spare you all the succeeding details but she eventually arrived safely in Mozambique.

Before asking God what He wants me to do, I must answer that first question. Am I willing to say yes to His plans? Then I must ask myself, will I actually do what He tells me to do? If there is any hesitancy, then I am not really ready to receive His answer. He may be silent because He knows I am not ready to obey.

Sometimes we don’t realize that we have put qualifiers on our ‘yes’. One of my friends wanted to know God's will but she had put certain time restrictions on Him. She had not given God free rein. Confusion resulted. It eventually got straightened out, however.

Take Away Points: 

Always ask these questions before seeking what God’s will is for you:

  •      Am I willing to say yes to whatever He tells me?

  •      Will I actually do what He tells me to do?

  •      Have I put any limitations or restrictions on what I am willing to do?

  •     What if God asked me to do _____; Would I obey? (Think of some hypotheticals and insert them in the blank. It’s a good way to test your heart).

  •    Can I really trust God with this situation?

This is where the rubber of our faith meets the road. Is He Lord of our life? Of our decisions? Every one of them?

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight (Prov. 3:5-6 NIV, emphasis added).”


  1. Dear Jane,

    I really needed this today. God has been dealing with me on committing my work to Him and this fits right into that . Thank you for sharing this with us.

    Blessings, Marcie

    1. What a joy to know you were blessed by this blog. Thank you, Marcie.

  2. I'm reposting on our prayer group Somebody's Mother Online Prayer Support Group as this is a good post to read as we pray today. Thanks Jane, for your wisdom.

    1. Thank you Donna for reposting the blog. Blessings to you...Jane

  3. Hard questions! but good ones to consider prayerfully for ourselves and to get real in our writing. Thanks, Jane. I'll highlight this on the Christian Poets & Writers blog - http://christianpoetsandwriters.blogspot.com.

    1. Thank you, Mary, for your encouragement and for the link on your blog. Blessings...Jane

  4. I honestly appreciate this. I really want to know specifically what the Lord wants me to do. I don't want speculation any more.
    I have started reading your book and am on page 64.
    As I walked into a shop to buy stuff for my daughter I just felt I had not prayed about the shopping and then prayed. Just am about to take money from the ATM I had go to another place...I told the cashier to keep back the things and went to where I was told and it so cheap and really liked shopping there. Need to be more attentive with the minor things.
    Thank you.

    1. That's a wonderful testimony. Keep listening! Blessings..Jane

  5. Prayer Request:

    I need a Miracle. HELP!!! Please pray for me. I need your healing prayers. I am 68 years old. I suffer from heart problems and diabetes. Diabetes has caused kidney problems and liver problems ( I do not drink or smoke). I will be most happy for your help in prayer. I also suffer from depression and anxiety.This has caused a great deal of problems. Pray for peace: peace of mind, peace of heart, and peace of soul! Please ask everyone to pray for me.

    Help-I am in great pain!!!

    Thank you.
    Alfred O. Brown Jr

  6. Prayer Request:

    I need a Miracle. HELP!!! Please pray for me. I need your healing prayers. I am 68 years old. I suffer from heart problems and diabetes. Diabetes has caused kidney problems and liver problems ( I do not drink or smoke). I will be most happy for your help in prayer. I also suffer from depression and anxiety.This has caused a great deal of problems. Pray for peace: peace of mind, peace of heart, and peace of soul! Please ask everyone to pray for me.

    Help-I am in great pain!!!

    Thank you.
    Alfred O. Brown Jr
