Feeling lonely lately? Or rejected? Does it seem like no one really cares or understands what you are going through?
We cannot get through life without rejection, hurt feelings and emotional pain. Did a friend recently step on your heart? Perhaps a spouse or relative said something unkind, or a boss criticized your work. Maybe you just haven't been affirmed lately by the people who matter most to you.
In the process of finalizing my mother's estate, I have been dealing with the pain of rejection and abandonment. If abortion had been legal when my mom found out she was pregnant with me, I probably would not be here writing this blog. In going through her papers I made discoveries of just how much I was not wanted when I was conceived.
Add to that my father's desertion of our family and you have a recipe for the pain of rejection and abandonment. How does one overcome the heartache of not feeling wanted?
The first order of business is forgiveness. As Jesus said on the Cross, "Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do" (Luke 23:34). When someone hurts us or treats us hatefully, it is because of their own hurt. As 1 John 2:11 explains, darkness has blinded their eyes.
The second step is to bless them and ask for God's heart of compassion towards them. In Luke 6:28 (AMP) Jesus commands us to "implore God's blessing (favor) upon those who abuse you [who revile, reproach, disparage, and high-handedly misuse you]." We can only do this with the help of the Holy Spirit. It may take days or even weeks to see them through God's eyes of forgiveness and compassion. Keep asking for His help.
The third step is to declare out loud, "I loose my soul, my cellular and emotional memory and my conscience and unconscious mind from that rejection (hurt, abandonment, etc). I plead the blood of Jesus over those wounds. I choose to receive God's spirit of adoption, love and peace." Ask God to transform the wounds and bring breakthrough in that area of your life.
We do share in the sufferings of Christ and rejection is part of that, but God also promises to heal our wounds as we spend time in His presence.
Finally, we can see ourselves on GOD'S WANTED POSTER. He assures us, "I chose you" (John 15:16). He proves His unconditional love for us in that Christ died for us even when we didn't deserve it (Romans 5:8). He created you in your mother's womb because He has a plan, a good plan, for you (Psalm139, Jeremiah 29:11). You are engraved on the palms of His hands (Isaiah 49:16).
When we meditate on God's love and His Word it becomes part of our identity. It transforms our broken places. We see ourselves the way God sees us (loved, WANTED, cherished), not the way the world does.
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