2020 - Blessing or Curse? Present or Pandora's box?

The voting is over - or is it? In the midst of wrapping presents, in a few weeks we will be wrapping up 2020. Has this year been a blessing or a curse?

Were there presents hidden somewhere? How would you vote?

This has been the year of the BIG. Big surprises - a pandemic, loss of income, loss of freedoms, loss of community - all of which have fueled fear and uncertainty. 

High hopes in January soon collided with crisis after crisis. Political unrest, church shutdowns, empty store shelves. Life quickly morphed into what seemed like a dystopian novel. How could this be happening?

As I pondered writing this blog post, the Lord spoke these words into my spirit: "Look for Me in the smallest of things." It brought to mind Matthew 6:33-34 - that we are to seek first His kingdom and His righteousness and all that we need will be provided. Therefore, we are not to worry about tomorrow.

I focused my thoughts on whether I would wrap 2020 as a present or as Pandora's box. Where was God in all of this?

As I looked back and evaluated this year several things stood out. There was more time at home and much less busyness. More time to walk the dog and enjoy the beauty of God's creation. More appreciation of sunsets and stars. More awareness of the little things like birds singing and the unique cloud patterns stretched across the sky's canvas.

Less time with friends but more gratitude when we could connect through Zoom or phone calls. More isolation but more time for prayer. More fear but more motivation to seek God's presence and find His peace in comforting words of Scripture like: "Be still and know that I am God" (Psalm 46:10).

Every unexpected crisis was an opportunity to stretch my faith, learn endurance and go deeper in trusting God would provide. 

What seems like Pandora's box does not compare with God's promises to provide peace, sustenance and comfort. 

The blessing of 2020 is not to be found under a tree, but in Who sacrificed His life on a tree. It all depends on our focus.

How will you vote?

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